Interactive Debugging and Steering of Multi-Agent AI Systems
Will Epperson,
Gagan Bansal,
Victor Dibia,
Adam Fourney,
Jack Gerrits,
Erkang Zhu,
Saleema Amershi
Exploring Empty Spaces: Human-in-the-Loop Data Augmentation
Best Paper Honorable Mention
InterLink: Linking Text with Code and Output in Computational Notebooks
Yanna Lin,
Leni Yang,
Haotian Li,
Huamin Qu,
Dominik Moritz
Static Algorithm, Evolving Epidemic: Understanding the Potential of Human-AI Risk Assessment to Support Regional Overdose Prevention
Venkat Sivaraman,
Yejun Kwak,
Courtney Kuza,
Qingnan Yang,
Kayleigh Adamson,
Katie Suda,
Lu Tang,
Walid Gellad,
Adam Perer
StructVizor: Interactive Profiling of Semi-Structured Textual Data
Yanwei Huang,
Yan Miao,
Di Weng,
Adam Perer,
Yingcai Wang
Tempo: Helping Data Scientists and Domain Experts Collaboratively Specify Predictive Modeling Tasks
Venkat Sivaraman,
Anika Vaishampayan,
Xiaotong Li,
Brian R Buck,
Ziyong Ma,
Richard D Boyce,
Adam Perer
Optimizing Dataflow Systems for Scalable Interactive Visualization
Junran Yang,
Hyekang Kevin Joo,
Sai Yerramreddy,
Dominik Moritz,
Leilani Battle
| Santiago, Chile
Exploring The Affordances of Game-Aware Streaming to Support Blind and Low Vision Viewers: A Design Probe Study
Noor Hammad,
Frank Elavsky,
Sanika Moharana,
Jessie Chen,
Seyoung Lee,
Patrick Carrington,
Dominik Moritz,
Jessica Hammer,
Erik Harpstead
The Impact of Imperfect XAI on Human-AI Decision-Making
Katelyn Morrison,
Philipp Spitzer,
Violet Turri,
Michelle Feng,
Niklas Kühl,
Adam Perer
Sketching AI Concepts with Capabilities and Examples: AI Innovation in the Intensive Care Unit
Nur Yildirim,
Susanna Zlotnikov,
Deniz Sayar,
Jeremy Kahn,
Leigh Bukowski,
Sher Shah Amin,
Kathryn Riman,
Billie Davis,
John Minturn,
Andrew King,
Dan Ricketts,
Lu Tang,
Venkat Sivaraman,
Adam Perer,
Sarah Preum,
James McCann,
John Zimmerman
| Honolulu, HI
Talaria: Interactively Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Efficient Inference
Fred Hohman,
Chaoqun Wang,
Jinmook Lee,
Jochen Görtler,
Dominik Moritz,
Jeffrey P Bigham,
Zhile Ren,
Cecile Foret,
Qi Shan,
Xiaoyi Zhang
| Honolulu, HI
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Transparency in the Wild: Navigating Transparency in a Deployed AI System to Broaden Need-Finding Approaches
Violet Turri,
Katelyn Morrison,
Katie Robinson,
Collin Abidi,
Adam Perer,
Jodi Forlizzi,
Rachel Dzombak
Trust Junk and Evil Knobs: Calibrating Trust in AI Visualization
Emily Wall,
Laura Matzen,
Mennatallah El-Assady,
Peta Masters,
Helia Hosseinpour,
Alex Endert,
Rita Borgo,
Polo Chau,
Adam Perer,
Harald Schupp,
Hendrik Strobelt,
Lace Padilla
Opening the Black Box of 3D Reconstruction Error Analysis with VECTOR
Racquel Fygenson,
Kazi Jawad,
Zongzhan Li,
Francois Ayoub,
Robert G Deen,
Scott Davidoff,
Dominik Moritz,
Mauricio Hess-Flores
Dead or Alive: Continuous Data Profiling for Interactive Data Science
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Designing Data: Proactive Data Collection and Iteration for Machine Learning Using Reflexive Planning, Monitoring, and Density Estimation
Aspen Hopkins,
Fred Hohman,
Luca Zappella,
Xavier Suau Cuadros,
Dominik Moritz
Artificial Intelligence & Human-Computer Interaction Workshop at ICML
| Honolulu, Hawaii
Draco 2: An Extensible Platform to Model Visualization Design
Junran Yang,
Péter Ferenc Gyarmati,
Zehua Zeng,
Dominik Moritz
| Melbourne
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Average Estimates in Line Graphs are Biased Toward Areas of Higher Variability
Dominik Moritz,
Lace Padilla,
Francis Nguyen,
Steven Franconeri
| Melbourne
Best Paper Honorable Mention
A Declarative Specification for Authoring Metrics Dashboards
Will Epperson,
Kanit Wongsuphasawat,
Allison Whilden,
Fan Du,
Justin Talbot
Best Paper
Ignore, Trust, or Negotiate: Understanding Clinician Acceptance of AI-Based Treatment Recommendations in Health Care
Venkat Sivaraman,
Leigh A. Bukowski,
Joel Levin,
Jeremy M. Kahn,
Adam Perer
VegaProf: Profiling Vega Visualizations
Junran Yang,
Alex Bäuerle,
Dominik Moritz,
Çağatay Demiralp
| Bay Area
"Why Do I Care What's Similar?" Probing Challenges in AI-Assisted Child Welfare Decision-Making through Worker-AI Interface Design Concepts
Anna Kawakami,
Venkat Sivaraman,
Logan Stapleton,
Hao-Fei Cheng,
Adam Perer,
Zhiwei Steven Wu,
Haiyi Zhu,
Kenneth Holstein
| Virtual
How Child Welfare Workers Reduce Racial Disparities in Algorithmic Decisions
Hao-Fei Cheng,
Logan Stapleton,
Anna Kawakami,
Venkat Sivaraman,
Yanghuidi Cheng,
Diana Qing,
Adam Perer,
Kenneth Holstein,
Zhiwei Steven Wu,
Haiyi Zhu
Improving Human-AI Partnerships in Child Welfare: Understanding Worker Practices, Challenges, and Desires for Algorithmic Decision Support
Anna Kawakami,
Venkat Sivaraman,
Hao-Fei Cheng,
Logan Stapleton,
Yanghuidi Cheng,
Diana Qing,
Adam Perer,
Zhiwei Steven Wu,
Haiyi Zhu,
Kenneth Holstein
Best Paper Honorable Mention
ComputableViz: Mathematical Operators as a Formalism for Visualisation Processing and Analysis
Aoyu Wu,
Wai Tong,
Haotian Li,
Dominik Moritz,
Yong Wang,
Huamin Qu
Studying Early Decision Making with Progressive Bar Charts
Ameya Patil,
Gaëlle Richer,
Christopher Jermaine,
Dominik Moritz,
Jean-Daniel Fekete
DuckDB-Wasm: Fast Analytical Processing for the Web
André Kohn,
Dominik Moritz,
Mark Raasveldt,
Hannes Mühleisen,
Thomas Neumann
Network Report: A Structured Description for Network Datasets
Carol (Xinyi) Zheng,
Ryan A. Rossi,
Nesreen K. Ahmed,
Dominik Moritz
Demonstration of VegaPlus: Optimizing Declarative Visualization Languages
Junran Yang,
Hyekang Kevin Joo,
Sai Yerramreddy,
Siyao Li,
Dominik Moritz,
Leilani Battle
Leveraging Analysis History for Improved In Situ Visualization Recommendation
Will Epperson,
Doris Jung-Lin Lee,
Leijie Wang,
Kunal Agarwal,
Aditya Parameswaran,
Dominik Moritz,
Adam Perer
AI4VIS: Survey on Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Data Visualization
Aoyu Wu,
Yun Wang,
Xinhuan Shu,
Dominik Moritz,
Weiwei Cui,
Haidong Zhang,
Dongmei Zhang,
Huamin Qu
Interdependent Variables: Remotely Designing Tactile Graphics for an Accessible Workflow
Lilian de Greef,
Dominik Moritz,
Cynthia Bennett
| Virtual
KD-Box: Line-segment-based KD-tree for Interactive Exploration of Large-scale Time-Series Data
Yue Zhao,
Jian Zhang,
Chi-Wing Fu,
Mingliang Xu,
Dominik Moritz,
Yunhai Wang
PIXLISE-C: Exploring The Data Analysis Needs of NASA Scientists for Mineral Identification
Connie Ye,
Lukas Hermann,
Nur Yildirim,
Shravya Bhat,
Dominik Moritz,
Scott Davidoff
An Automated Approach to Reasoning About Task-Oriented Insights in Responsive Visualization
Hyeok Kim,
Ryan Rossi,
Abhraneel Sarma,
Dominik Moritz,
Jessica Hullman
TextEssence: A Tool for Interactive Analysis of Semantic Shifts Between Corpora
Denis Newman-Griffis,
Venkat Sivaraman,
Adam Perer,
Eric Fosler-Lussier,
Harry Hochheiser
Getting Playful with Explainable AI: Games with a Purpose to Improve Human Understanding of AI
Laura Beth Fulton,
Ja Young Lee,
Qian Wang,
Zhendong Yuan,
Jessica Hammer,
Adam Perer
| Honolulu, HI
Database Benchmarking for Supporting Real-Time Interactive Querying of Large Data
Leilani Battle,
Philipp Eichmann,
Marco Angelini,
Tiziana Catarci,
Giuseppe Santucci,
Yukun Zheng,
Carsten Binnig,
Jean-Daniel Fekete,
Dominik Moritz
| Portland
The Human User in Progressive Visual Analytics
Luana Micallef,
Hans-Jorg Schulz,
Marco Angelini,
Michael Aupetit,
Remco Chang,
Jorn Kohlhammer,
Adam Perer,
Giuseppe Santucci
Ablate, Variate, and Contemplate: Visual Analytics for Discovering Neural Architectures
Dylan Cashman,
Adam Perer,
Remco Chang,
Hendrik Strobelt
SearchLens: Composing and Capturing Complex User Interests for Exploratory Search
Joseph Chee Chang,
Nathan Hahn,
Adam Perer,
Aniket Kittur
Confronting data sparsity to identify potential sources of Zika virus spillover infection among primates
Barbara Han,
Subhabrata Majumdar,
Flavio Calmon,
Benjamin Glicksberg,
Raya Horesh,
Abhishek Kumar,
Adam Perer,
Elisa von Marschall,
Dennis Wei,
Aleksandra Mojsilović,
Kush Varshney
Altair: Interactive Statistical Visualizations for Python
Jacob VanderPlas,
Brian E. Granger,
Jeffrey Heer,
Dominik Moritz,
Kanit Wongsuphasawat,
Arvind Satyanarayan,
Eitan Lees,
Ilia Timofeev,
Ben Welsh,
Scott Sievert
Seq2Seq-VIS : A Visual Debugging Tool for Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Hendrik Strobelt,
Sebastian Gehrmann,
Michael Behrisch,
Adam Perer,
Hanspeter Pfister,
Alexander Rush
Best Paper Honorable Mention
A User Study on the Effect of Aggregating Explanations for Interpreting Machine Learning Models
Josua Krause,
Adam Perer,
Enrico Bertini
Clustervision: Visual Supervision of Unsupervised Clustering
Bum Chul Kwon,
Ben Eysenbach,
Janu Verma,
Kenney Ng,
Christopher deFilippi,
Walter Stewart,
Adam Perer
| Phoenix, AZ
What Users Don't Expect about Exploratory Data Analysis on Approximate Query Processing Systems
Distinguished Long Talk
The Myria Big Data Management and Analytics System and Cloud Service
Jingjing Wang,
Tobin Baker,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Daniel Halperin,
Brandon Haynes,
Bill Howe,
Dylan Hutchison,
Shrainik Jain,
Ryan Maas,
Parmita Mehta,
Dominik Moritz,
Brandon Myers,
Jennifer Ortiz,
Dan Suciu,
Andrew Whitaker,
Shengliang Xu
Coping with Volume and Variety in Temporal Event Sequences: Strategies for Sharpening Analytic Focus
Fan Du,
Ben Shneiderman,
Catherine Plaisant,
Sana Malik,
Adam Perer
Voyager 2: Augmenting Visual Analysis with Partial View Specifications
Kanit Wongsuphasawat,
Zening Qu,
Dominik Moritz,
Riley Chang,
Felix Ouk,
Anushka Anand,
Jock Mackinlay,
Bill Howe,
Jeffrey Heer
Interacting with Predictions: Visual Inspection of Black-box Machine Learning Models
Josua Krause,
Adam Perer,
Kenney Ng
| Phoenix, AZ
SQLShare: Results from a Multi-Year SQL-as-a-Service Experiment
Most Reproducible Paper Award
Supporting Iterative Cohort Construction with Visual Temporal Queries
Josua Krause,
Adam Perer,
Harry Stavropoulos
| Chicago, IL
Perfopticon: Visual Query Analysis for Distributed Databases
Visualization of dataflow and distributed execution in Myria. Influenced the design of the Distributed Dask web interface.
Voyager: Exploratory Analysis via Faceted Browsing of Visualization Recommendations
Invited to SIGGRAPH 2016
Iterative cohort analysis and exploration
Zhiyuan Zhang,
David Gotz,
Adam Perer
Predicting changes in hypertension control using electronic health records from a chronic disease management program
Jimeng Sun,
Candace McNaughton,
Ping Zhang,
Adam Perer,
Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis,
Joshua Denny,
Jacqueline Kirby,
Thomas Lasko,
Alexander Saip,
Bradley Malin
INFUSE: Interactive Feature Selection for Predictive Modeling of High Dimensional Data
Josua Krause,
Adam Perer,
Enrico Bertini
| Paris, France
Demonstration of the Myria Big Data Management Service
Daniel Halperin,
Victor Teixeira de Almeida,
Lee Lee Choo,
Shumo Chu,
Paraschos Koutris,
Dominik Moritz,
Jennifer Ortiz,
Vaspol Ruamviboonsuk,
Jingjing Wang,
Andrew Whitaker,
Shengliang Xu,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Bill Howe,
Dan Suciu
Demo paper about the Myria system.
Progressive Visual Analytics: User-Driven Visual Exploration of In-Progress Analytics
Charles Stolper,
Adam Perer,
David Gotz
| Paris, France
Visualization of Varying Hierarchies by Stable Layout of Voronoi Treemaps
Sebastian Schmechel,
Jonas Trümper,
Dominik Moritz,
Jürgen Döllner
Publication of algorithms that Dominik developed for my bachelor thesis.
The Longitudinal Use of SaNDVis: Visual Social Network Analytics in the Enterprise
Adam Perer,
Ido Guy,
Erel Uziel,
Inbal Ronen,
Michal Jacovi
Diversity among Enterprise Online Communities: Collaborating, Teaming, and Innovating through Social Media
Michael Muller,
Kate Ehrlich,
Tara Matthews,
Adam Perer,
Inbal Ronen,
Ido Guy
Digital Traces of Interest: Deriving Interest Relationships from Social Media Interactions
Michal Jacovi,
Ido Guy,
Adam Perer,
Inbal Ronen,
Erel Uziel,
Michael Maslenko
Integrating Querying and Browsing in Partial Graph Visualizations
Adam Perer,
Frank van Ham
IBM Technical Report
Guess Who? Enriching the Social Graph through a Crowdsourcing Game
Ido Guy,
Adam Perer,
Tal Daniel,
Ohad Greenshpan,
Itai Turbahn
Visual Social Network Analytics for Relationship Discovery in the Enterprise
Adam Perer,
Ido Guy,
Erel Uziel,
Inbal Ronen,
Michal Jacovi
Do You Want to Know? Recommending Strangers in the Enterprise
Ido Guy,
Sigalit Ur,
Inbal Ronen,
Adam Perer,
Michal Jacovi
Finding Beautiful Insights in the Chaos of Social Network Visualizations
Beautiful Visualization
Same Places, Same Things, Same People? Mining User Similarity on Social Media
Ido Guy,
Michal Jacovi,
Adam Perer,
Inbal Ronen,
Erel Uziel
Analyzing (Social Media) Networks with NodeXL
Marc A. Smith,
Ben Shneiderman,
Natasha Milic-Frayling,
Eduarda Rodrigues,
Vladimir Barash,
Cody Dunne,
Tony Capone,
Adam Perer,
Eric Gleave
International Conference on Communities and Technologies
| University Park, Pennsylvania
Integrating Statistics and Visualization for Exploratory Power: From Long-Term Case Studies to Design Guidelines
Adam Perer,
Ben Shneiderman
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Using rhythms of relationships to understand e-mail archives
Adam Perer,
Ben Shneiderman,
Douglas Oard