PIXLISE-C: Exploring The Data Analysis Needs of NASA Scientists for Mineral Identification
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NASA JPL scientists working on the micro x-ray fluorescence (microXRF)
spectroscopy data collected from Mars surface perform data analysis to look for
signs of past microbial life on Mars. Their data analysis workflow mainly
involves identifying mineral compounds through the element abundance in
spatially distributed data points. Working with the NASA JPL team, we identified
pain points and needs to further develop their existing data visualization and
analysis tool. Specifically, the team desired improvements for the process of
creating and interpreting mineral composition groups. To address this problem,
we developed an interactive tool that enables scientists to (1) cluster the data
using either manual lasso-tool selection or through various machine learning
clustering algorithms, and (2) compare the clusters and individual data points
to make informed decisions about mineral compositions. Our preliminary tool
supports a hybrid data analysis workflow where the user can manually refine the
machine-generated clusters.