Mining and exploring care pathways from electronic medical records with visual analytics
Published at
Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Objective: In order to derive data-driven insights, we develop Care Pathway
Explorer, a system that mines and visualizes a set of frequent event sequences
from patient EMR data. The goal is to utilize historical EMR data to extract
common sequences of medical events such as diagnoses and treatments, and
investigate how these sequences correlate with patient outcome. Materials and
methods: The Care Pathway Explorer uses a frequent sequence mining algorithm
adapted to handle the real-world properties of EMR data, including techniques
for handling event concurrency, multiple levels-of-detail, temporal context, and
outcome. The mined patterns are then visualized in an interactive user interface
consisting of novel overview and flow visualizations. Results: We use the
proposed system to analyze the diagnoses and treatments of a cohort of
hyperlipidemic patients with hypertension and diabetes pre-conditions, and
demonstrate the clinical relevance of patterns mined from EMR data. The patterns
that were identified corresponded to clinical and published knowledge, some of
it unknown to the physician at the time of discovery. Conclusion: Care Pathway
Explorer, which combines frequent sequence mining techniques with advanced
visualizations supports the integration of data-driven insights into care
pathway discovery.