MAST: A Tool for Visualizing CNN Model Architecture Searches
Published at
Debugging Machine Learning Models at ICLR
| New Orleans, LA

Any automated search over a model space uses a large amount of resources to
ultimately discover a small set of performant models. It also produces large
amounts of data, including the training curves and model information for
thousands of models. This expensive process may be wasteful if the automated
search fails to find better models over time, or if promising models are
prematurely disposed of during the search. In this work, we describe a visual
analytics tool used to explore the rich data that is generated during a search
for feed forward convolutional neural network model architectures. A visual
overview of the training process lets the user verify assumptions about the
architecture search, such as an expected improvement in sampled model
performance over time. Users can select subsets of architectures from the model
overview and compare their architectures visually to identify patterns in layer
subsequences that may be causing poor performance. Lastly, by viewing loss and
training curves, and by comparing the number of parameters of subselected
architectures, users can interactively select a model with more control than
provided by an automated metalearning algorithm. We present screenshots of our
tool on three different metalearning algorithms on CIFAR-10, and outline future
directions for applying visual analytics to architecture search.