Ablate, Variate, and Contemplate: Visual Analytics for Discovering Neural Architectures
Published at
| Vancouver, Canada

The performance of deep learning models is dependent on the precise
configuration of many layers and parameters. However, there are currently few
systematic guidelines for how to configure a successful model. This means model
builders often have to experiment with different configurations by manually
programming different architectures (which is tedious and time consuming) or
rely on purely automated approaches to generate and train the architectures
(which is expensive). In this paper, we present Rapid Exploration of Model
Architectures and Parameters, or REMAP, a visual analytics tool that allows a
model builder to discover a deep learning model quickly via exploration and
rapid experimentation of neural network architectures. In REMAP, the user
explores the large and complex parameter space for neural network architectures
using a combination of global inspection and local experimentation. Through a
visual overview of a set of models, the user identifies interesting clusters of
architectures. Based on their findings, the user can run ablation and variation
experiments to identify the effects of adding, removing, or replacing layers in
a given architecture and generate new models accordingly. They can also
handcraft new models using a simple graphical interface. As a result, a model
builder can build deep learning models quickly, efficiently, and without manual
programming. We inform the design of REMAP through a design study with four deep
learning model builders. Through a use case, we demonstrate that REMAP allows
users to discover performant neural network architectures efficiently using
visual exploration and user-defined semi-automated searches through the model