Attributes, Marks and Render Groups

To start using Counterpoint, you need to describe the data you plan to render in terms of marks and attributes. This page explains how to create marks and attributes, as well as to control how and when attribute values are calculated. Note that how you render these marks and attributes is entirely up to you - see the available examples to learn how to render marks using Canvas and WebGL APIs.

TIP: Custom Attribute Collections

A mark is essentially a convenient wrapper around a collection of attributes that works well with other classes used in Counterpoint, like MarkRenderGroup and PositionMap. But you can easily create other data structures to wrap collections of attributes that you want to animate. The Scales class is one example of this, using attributes to represent the scale and translate factors.

Basic Mark Usage

A Mark instance can be initialized using a unique ID and an object containing attributes, such as the following:

let mark = new Mark(1, {
    x: new Attribute(15),
    y: new Attribute(37),
    color: new Attribute('steelblue')

Here, the mark was initialized with three attributes (named x, y, and color), each set to a static value. You can retrieve the value of the x attribute with mark.attr('x') (or if you have a direct reference to the attribute, attribute.get()). To set the attribute’s value instantaneously, you can call mark.setAttr('x', newValue) (or attribute.set(newValue)). Animating attribute values uses a similar API, described in Animations, Timing, and Sequencing.

Attribute values don’t have to be static. For instance, we can define a function to return the color of the mark, and pass that to the attribute constructor:

function getColor(mark) { ... }

let mark = new Mark(1, {
    color: new Attribute(getColor)

Now, getColor will be called every time the attribute’s value is retrieved using Mark.attr or Attribute.get. (What if you don’t want this function to be called every time? Check out When Attributes Change below.)

You can also pass an object of options to the attribute constructor, including the attribute’s value under either the value (for a static value) or valueFn (for a function) keys. For example:

new Attribute({
    valueFn: (mark) => getCoordinate(mark, 'x'),
    transform: (value) => scaleX(value),
    lazy: true

Below is the full list of options you can pass:

Option Description
value The value of the attribute, if it is not updated using a dynamic function.
valueFn A function that takes the attribute’s compute argument and returns the attribute’s value. This overrides a static value property value.
computeArg An argument to be passed to the attribute’s valueFn and transform functions. If undefined, the attribute itself is passed as the argument. (This only applies to attributes not being used inside Mark instances. Marks pass themselves as their attributes’ compute arguments.)
transform A function that transforms the value of the attribute before being returned. It should take the raw attribute value and (optionally) the attribute’s compute argument, and return a transformed value.
recompute Defines the behavior of the attribute’s computation when specified using a value function. The default value of AttributeRecompute.DEFAULT causes the value function to be called every time get(), compute(), or animate() is called. If set to AttributeRecompute.ALWAYS, the value function is called every time the advance() method is called (i.e. every tick). If set to AttributeRecompute.WHEN_UPDATED, it will only be called when compute() or animate() is called. See Controlling Attribute Computation for more details.
cacheTransform If true, specifies that the transformed value should be cached and reused when the raw value does not change (suitable when the transform function is fixed). If false, specifies that the transform should be rerun every time the value is requested - suitable when the transform function’s behavior may change from frame to frame. When the value is cached, the transform can be updated by calling updateTransform() on the attribute.

Combining Marks in a Render Group

The MarkRenderGroup class allows you to manage animations and updates across a potentially large set of marks using less code. All marks contained within a render group are expected to have the same set of attribute names. Initialize a render group with an array of marks:

let renderGroup = new MarkRenderGroup(marks);
let renderGroup = createRenderGroup(marks); // equivalent

Now, updating and animating attributes across the entire set of marks can be accomplished with a few (chainable) function calls on the render group. For instance, to add 100 to all marks’ x-coordinates and randomize their y-coordinates:

  .update('x', (mark) => mark.attr('x') + 100)
  .update('y', (mark) => Math.random() * 500);

We can animate an attribute using identical notation but replacing update with animateTo. Note that if the attribute has a value function that you want to use as the new value or final animation value, you can simply call update without a second argument or use the animate function, respectively:

renderGroup.update('color'); // instantaneously updates color
renderGroup.animate('color', { duration: 1000 }); // animates color to its new computed value over 1 second

We can also find a subset of marks in the render group using filter, and the result will transparently behave like a render group containing the new subset:

renderGroup.filter((mark) => % 2 == 0).animate('color');

You can dynamically add and remove marks from a render group using the addMark and deleteMark methods (which take a Mark as argument), or the add and delete methods (which take an ID as argument and assume all marks have a unique ID). For more details, see Animating Mark Entry and Exit.

Controlling Attribute Computation

If you’re working with large sets of marks or would like to use a computationally expensive function to compute attribute values, Counterpoint allows you the flexibility to decide how and when attribute computation should be performed. Understanding when your value function will be run depends both on the options listed below and the behavior of the ticker instance you are using (see Configuring Ticker Behavior).

By default, all attributes with value functions are recomputed whenever their get() or advance() methods are called. This likely means that when the canvas needs to be drawn every frame, the value function will be called twice per frame.

TIP: Ticker Behavior Counterpoint’s tickers don’t actually call your drawing function every frame! Ticker onChange callbacks are only run when the advance() method of the objects they manage (e.g. the render group) returns true. So if the render group has no active animations or queued updates, the canvas won’t need to be redrawn.

Nevertheless, it can be helpful to set the following options to reduce the number of calls to potentially expensive functions:

  • Set the attributes’ recompute option to AttributeRecompute.WHEN_UPDATED. This ensures that the value function will only be called once when you start an animation or update on the render group.
  • Set the attributes’ cacheTransform option to true if your transform function is usually constant. Then, if the transform does change, you can call updateTransform on the render group, mark, or attribute.

Representing Your Data

While Attributes represent potentially animatable properties of your marks, you may also want to keep track of some fixed data for each mark or tie a mark to your internal representation.

Let’s say we are creating a network visualization. We may have an array of nodes that we want to represent with marks. We can associate each mark with its corresponding node using the represented property and the representing method:

let marks = new MarkRenderGroup( => new Mark(, {
    // populate attributes...
// later, get the represented node for a given mark:
let node = mark.represented;

Event Listeners

To help you organize your code, render groups and marks provide a lightweight event dispatching and handling mechanism. This allows you to specify how marks should visually respond to state changes independently of the state changes themselves.

For example, let’s say we want to implement different types of animations when a user clicks each of the marks below.

We can register each mark to listen for the ‘click’ event using the onEvent method:

let scaleMark = new Mark('scale', {
  x: 50, y: 150, w: 40, h: 40,
  rotation: 0,
  alpha: 1.0,
  color: 'salmon'
}).onEvent('click', async (mark, details) => {
  // the details object is unused in this example, but could represent any information
  await mark.animateTo('w', 60).animateTo('h', 60).wait(['w', 'h']);
  mark.animateTo('w', 40).animateTo('h', 40);
let fadeMark = new Mark('fade', {
  x: 150, y: 150, w: 40, h: 40,
  rotation: 0,
  alpha: 1.0,
  color: 'salmon'
}).onEvent('click', async (mark, details) => {
  await mark.animateTo('alpha', 0.3).wait('alpha');
  mark.animateTo('alpha', 1.0);
// ... similar for the other marks
let rotateMark = ...
let colorMark = ...
let marks = new MarkRenderGroup([scaleMark, fadeMark, rotateMark, colorMark]);

Then, in a click event handler, we can use the PositionMap class to identify which mark was clicked (see Interaction and Pan/Zoom for more details). We dispatch the click event to the clicked mark:


To pass detail information to the mark in the event handler, we can simply add an arbitrary details object as a second argument to the dispatch method.

TIP: Render Group-Level Events You can define similar event handlers on an entire render group at once, using the onEvent method of MarkRenderGroup. The listener function takes the same arguments, a Mark object and an arbitrary details object.

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