Module emblaze.utils

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import sys
import numpy as np
from affine import Affine
from numba import jit
import json
import datetime
import platform
import os
import base64

class Field:
    """Standardized field names for embeddings and projections. These data can
    all be versioned within a ColumnarData object."""
    POSITION = "position"
    COLOR = "color"
    RADIUS = "r"
    ALPHA = "alpha"
    # Thumbnail fields
    NAME = "name"
    DESCRIPTION = "description"
class ProjectionTechnique:
    """Names of projection techniques."""
    UMAP = "umap"
    TSNE = "tsne"
    ALIGNED_UMAP = "aligned-umap"
    PCA = "pca"
class DataType:
    """Types of data, e.g. categorical vs continuous."""
    CATEGORICAL = "categorical"
    CONTINUOUS = "continuous"

class PreviewMode:
    """Ways of calculating preview lines."""
    PROJECTION_SIMILARITY = "projectionNeighborSimilarity"
    NEIGHBOR_SIMILARITY = "neighborSimilarity"
class SidebarPane:
    """Indexes of sidebar panes in the widget."""
    CURRENT = 1
    SAVED = 2
    RECENT = 3

    np.array([1, 1, 1]),
    np.array([-1, 1, 1]),
    np.array([1, -1, 1])    

def projection_standardizer(emb):
    """Returns an affine transformation to translate an embedding to the centroid
    of the given set of points."""
    return Affine.translation(*(-emb.mean(axis=0)[:2]))

def affine_to_matrix(t):
    Returns a 3x3 matrix representing the transformation matrix.
    return np.array([
        [t.a, t.b, t.c],
        [t.d, t.e, t.f],
        [t.g, t.h, t.i]
def matrix_to_affine(mat):
    Returns an Affine transformation object from the given 3x3 matrix.
    return Affine(*(mat.flatten()[:6]))

def affine_transform(transform, points):
    Transforms a set of N x 2 points using the given Affine object.
    reshaped_points = np.vstack([points.T, np.ones((1, points.shape[0]))])
    transformed =, reshaped_points)
    return transformed.T[:,:2] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object

def standardize_json(o, round_digits=4):
    Produces a JSON-compliant object by replacing numpy types with system types
    and rounding floats to save space.
    if isinstance(o, (float, np.float32, np.float64)): return round(float(o), round_digits)
    if isinstance(o, (np.int64, np.int32, np.uint8)): return int(o)
    if isinstance(o, dict): return {standardize_json(k, round_digits): standardize_json(v, round_digits) for k, v in o.items()}
    if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): return [standardize_json(x, round_digits) for x in o]
    return o

def inverse_intersection(seqs1, seqs2, mask_ids, outer):
    Computes the inverse intersection size of the two lists of sets.
        seqs1: A list of iterables
        seqs2: Another list of iterables - must be the same length as seqs1
        mask_ids: Iterable containing objects that should be EXCLUDED if outer
            is True, and INCLUDED if outer is False
        outer: Determines the behavior of mask_ids
        A numpy array of inverse intersection sizes between each element in
        seqs1 and seqs2.
    distances = np.zeros(len(seqs1))
    mask_ids = set(mask_ids)
    for i in range(len(seqs1)):
        set1 = set([n for n in seqs1[i] if (n in mask_ids) != outer])
        set2 = set([n for n in seqs2[i] if (n in mask_ids) != outer])
        num_intersection = len(set1 & set2)
        if len(set1) or len(set2):
            distances[i] = 1 / (1 + num_intersection)
    return distances

class LoggingHelper:
    Writes and/or updates a JSON file with interaction information.
    def __init__(self, filepath, addl_info=None):
        self.filepath = filepath
        if not os.path.exists(self.filepath):
            current_data = {
                "timestamp": str(,
                "platform": platform.platform(),
                "version": sys.version,
                "logs": []
            if addl_info is not None:
            with open(self.filepath, "w") as file:
                json.dump(current_data, file)

    def add_logs(self, entries):
        Adds a list of logging entries to the log file.
        with open(self.filepath, "r") as file:
            current_data = json.load(file)
        current_data["logs"] += entries
        with open(self.filepath, "w") as file:
            json.dump(current_data, file)
def choose_integer_type(values):
    Chooses the best integer type (i.e. np.(u)int(8|16|32)) for the given set
    of values. Returns the dtype and its name.
    min_val = values.min()
    max_val = values.max()
    rng = max_val - min_val
    if min_val < 0:
        if rng > 2 ** 32 - 1:
            return np.int64, "i8"
        elif rng > 2 ** 16 - 1:
            return np.int32, "i4"
        elif rng > 2 ** 8 - 1:
            return np.int16, "i2"
        return np.int8, "i1"
    elif rng > 2 ** 32 - 1:
        return np.uint64, "u8"
    elif rng > 2 ** 16 - 1:
        return np.uint32, "u4"
    elif rng > 2 ** 8 - 1:
        return np.uint16, "u2"
    return np.uint8, "u1"
def _detect_numerical_sequence(arr):
    Detects a numerical sequence to compress large arrays of integer IDs when
    they are regularly spaced. If a sequence is detected, returns the start, end,
    and step such that using np.arange() with these three arguments yields the
    appropriate result. If no sequence is detected, returns None.
    diffs = arr[1:] - arr[:-1]
    if np.allclose(diffs, diffs[0]):
        step = diffs[0]
        return (arr[0], arr[-1] + step, step)
    return None
def encode_numerical_array(arr, astype=np.float32, positions=None, interval=None):
    Encodes the given numpy array into a base64 representation for fast transfer
    to the widget frontend. The array will be encoded as a sequence of numbers
    with type 'astype'.
    If positions is not None, it should be a numpy array of positions at which the
    array for each ID *ends*. For example, if there are ten IDs and ten numbers
    in the array for each ID, the positions array would be [10, 20, ..., 90, 100].
    If interval is not None, it is passed into the result object directly (and
    signifies the same as positions, but with a regularly spaced interval).
    # TODO support saving arrays as numerical sequence metadata
    # sequence_info = _detect_numerical_sequence(arr)
    # if sequence_info is not None:
    #     result = { ""}
    if not arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        arr = arr.copy(order='C')
    result = { "values": base64.b64encode(arr.astype(astype)).decode('ascii') }
    if positions is not None:
        result["positions"] = base64.b64encode(positions.astype(np.int32)).decode('ascii')
    if interval is not None:
        result["interval"] = interval
    return result

def encode_object_array(arr):
    Encodes the given array as a base64 string of a JSON string.
    if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        arr = arr.tolist()
    return { "values": base64.b64encode(json.dumps(standardize_json(arr)).encode("utf-8")).decode('ascii') }

def decode_numerical_array(obj, astype=np.float32):
    Decodes the given compressed dict into an array of the given dtype. The 
    dict should contain a 'values' key (base64 string) and optionally a
    'positions' key (base64 string to be turned into an int32 array, defining
    the shape of a 2d matrix) or an 'interval' key (integer defining the number
    of columns in the 2d matrix).
    values = np.frombuffer(base64.decodebytes(obj["values"].encode('ascii')), dtype=astype)
    if "positions" in obj:
        positions = np.frombuffer(base64.decodebytes(obj["positions"].encode('ascii')), dtype=np.int32)
        deltas = positions[1:] - positions[:-1]
        assert np.allclose(deltas, deltas[0]), "cannot currently decode numerical arrays with non-standard positions array"
        values = values.reshape(-1, deltas[0])
    elif "interval" in obj:
        values = values.reshape(-1, obj["interval"])
    return values

def decode_object_array(obj):
    Decodes the given object's 'values' key into a JSON object.
    return json.loads(base64.b64decode(obj["values"].encode('ascii')))


def affine_to_matrix(t)

Returns a 3x3 matrix representing the transformation matrix.

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def affine_to_matrix(t):
    Returns a 3x3 matrix representing the transformation matrix.
    return np.array([
        [t.a, t.b, t.c],
        [t.d, t.e, t.f],
        [t.g, t.h, t.i]
def affine_transform(transform, points)

Transforms a set of N x 2 points using the given Affine object.

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def affine_transform(transform, points):
    Transforms a set of N x 2 points using the given Affine object.
    reshaped_points = np.vstack([points.T, np.ones((1, points.shape[0]))])
    transformed =, reshaped_points)
    return transformed.T[:,:2] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
def choose_integer_type(values)

Chooses the best integer type (i.e. np.(u)int(8|16|32)) for the given set of values. Returns the dtype and its name.

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def choose_integer_type(values):
    Chooses the best integer type (i.e. np.(u)int(8|16|32)) for the given set
    of values. Returns the dtype and its name.
    min_val = values.min()
    max_val = values.max()
    rng = max_val - min_val
    if min_val < 0:
        if rng > 2 ** 32 - 1:
            return np.int64, "i8"
        elif rng > 2 ** 16 - 1:
            return np.int32, "i4"
        elif rng > 2 ** 8 - 1:
            return np.int16, "i2"
        return np.int8, "i1"
    elif rng > 2 ** 32 - 1:
        return np.uint64, "u8"
    elif rng > 2 ** 16 - 1:
        return np.uint32, "u4"
    elif rng > 2 ** 8 - 1:
        return np.uint16, "u2"
    return np.uint8, "u1"
def decode_numerical_array(obj, astype=numpy.float32)

Decodes the given compressed dict into an array of the given dtype. The dict should contain a 'values' key (base64 string) and optionally a 'positions' key (base64 string to be turned into an int32 array, defining the shape of a 2d matrix) or an 'interval' key (integer defining the number of columns in the 2d matrix).

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def decode_numerical_array(obj, astype=np.float32):
    Decodes the given compressed dict into an array of the given dtype. The 
    dict should contain a 'values' key (base64 string) and optionally a
    'positions' key (base64 string to be turned into an int32 array, defining
    the shape of a 2d matrix) or an 'interval' key (integer defining the number
    of columns in the 2d matrix).
    values = np.frombuffer(base64.decodebytes(obj["values"].encode('ascii')), dtype=astype)
    if "positions" in obj:
        positions = np.frombuffer(base64.decodebytes(obj["positions"].encode('ascii')), dtype=np.int32)
        deltas = positions[1:] - positions[:-1]
        assert np.allclose(deltas, deltas[0]), "cannot currently decode numerical arrays with non-standard positions array"
        values = values.reshape(-1, deltas[0])
    elif "interval" in obj:
        values = values.reshape(-1, obj["interval"])
    return values
def decode_object_array(obj)

Decodes the given object's 'values' key into a JSON object.

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def decode_object_array(obj):
    Decodes the given object's 'values' key into a JSON object.
    return json.loads(base64.b64decode(obj["values"].encode('ascii')))
def encode_numerical_array(arr, astype=numpy.float32, positions=None, interval=None)

Encodes the given numpy array into a base64 representation for fast transfer to the widget frontend. The array will be encoded as a sequence of numbers with type 'astype'.

If positions is not None, it should be a numpy array of positions at which the array for each ID ends. For example, if there are ten IDs and ten numbers in the array for each ID, the positions array would be [10, 20, …, 90, 100].

If interval is not None, it is passed into the result object directly (and signifies the same as positions, but with a regularly spaced interval).

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def encode_numerical_array(arr, astype=np.float32, positions=None, interval=None):
    Encodes the given numpy array into a base64 representation for fast transfer
    to the widget frontend. The array will be encoded as a sequence of numbers
    with type 'astype'.
    If positions is not None, it should be a numpy array of positions at which the
    array for each ID *ends*. For example, if there are ten IDs and ten numbers
    in the array for each ID, the positions array would be [10, 20, ..., 90, 100].
    If interval is not None, it is passed into the result object directly (and
    signifies the same as positions, but with a regularly spaced interval).
    # TODO support saving arrays as numerical sequence metadata
    # sequence_info = _detect_numerical_sequence(arr)
    # if sequence_info is not None:
    #     result = { ""}
    if not arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        arr = arr.copy(order='C')
    result = { "values": base64.b64encode(arr.astype(astype)).decode('ascii') }
    if positions is not None:
        result["positions"] = base64.b64encode(positions.astype(np.int32)).decode('ascii')
    if interval is not None:
        result["interval"] = interval
    return result
def encode_object_array(arr)

Encodes the given array as a base64 string of a JSON string.

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def encode_object_array(arr):
    Encodes the given array as a base64 string of a JSON string.
    if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        arr = arr.tolist()
    return { "values": base64.b64encode(json.dumps(standardize_json(arr)).encode("utf-8")).decode('ascii') }
def inverse_intersection(seqs1, seqs2, mask_ids, outer)

Computes the inverse intersection size of the two lists of sets.


A list of iterables
Another list of iterables - must be the same length as seqs1
Iterable containing objects that should be EXCLUDED if outer is True, and INCLUDED if outer is False
Determines the behavior of mask_ids


A numpy array of inverse intersection sizes between each element in seqs1 and seqs2.

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def inverse_intersection(seqs1, seqs2, mask_ids, outer):
    Computes the inverse intersection size of the two lists of sets.
        seqs1: A list of iterables
        seqs2: Another list of iterables - must be the same length as seqs1
        mask_ids: Iterable containing objects that should be EXCLUDED if outer
            is True, and INCLUDED if outer is False
        outer: Determines the behavior of mask_ids
        A numpy array of inverse intersection sizes between each element in
        seqs1 and seqs2.
    distances = np.zeros(len(seqs1))
    mask_ids = set(mask_ids)
    for i in range(len(seqs1)):
        set1 = set([n for n in seqs1[i] if (n in mask_ids) != outer])
        set2 = set([n for n in seqs2[i] if (n in mask_ids) != outer])
        num_intersection = len(set1 & set2)
        if len(set1) or len(set2):
            distances[i] = 1 / (1 + num_intersection)
    return distances
def matrix_to_affine(mat)

Returns an Affine transformation object from the given 3x3 matrix.

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def matrix_to_affine(mat):
    Returns an Affine transformation object from the given 3x3 matrix.
    return Affine(*(mat.flatten()[:6]))
def projection_standardizer(emb)

Returns an affine transformation to translate an embedding to the centroid of the given set of points.

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def projection_standardizer(emb):
    """Returns an affine transformation to translate an embedding to the centroid
    of the given set of points."""
    return Affine.translation(*(-emb.mean(axis=0)[:2]))
def standardize_json(o, round_digits=4)

Produces a JSON-compliant object by replacing numpy types with system types and rounding floats to save space.

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def standardize_json(o, round_digits=4):
    Produces a JSON-compliant object by replacing numpy types with system types
    and rounding floats to save space.
    if isinstance(o, (float, np.float32, np.float64)): return round(float(o), round_digits)
    if isinstance(o, (np.int64, np.int32, np.uint8)): return int(o)
    if isinstance(o, dict): return {standardize_json(k, round_digits): standardize_json(v, round_digits) for k, v in o.items()}
    if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): return [standardize_json(x, round_digits) for x in o]
    return o


class DataType

Types of data, e.g. categorical vs continuous.

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class DataType:
    """Types of data, e.g. categorical vs continuous."""
    CATEGORICAL = "categorical"
    CONTINUOUS = "continuous"

Class variables

class Field

Standardized field names for embeddings and projections. These data can all be versioned within a ColumnarData object.

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class Field:
    """Standardized field names for embeddings and projections. These data can
    all be versioned within a ColumnarData object."""
    POSITION = "position"
    COLOR = "color"
    RADIUS = "r"
    ALPHA = "alpha"
    # Thumbnail fields
    NAME = "name"
    DESCRIPTION = "description"

Class variables

var NAME
class PreviewMode

Ways of calculating preview lines.

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class PreviewMode:
    """Ways of calculating preview lines."""
    PROJECTION_SIMILARITY = "projectionNeighborSimilarity"
    NEIGHBOR_SIMILARITY = "neighborSimilarity"

Class variables

class ProjectionTechnique

Names of projection techniques.

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class ProjectionTechnique:
    """Names of projection techniques."""
    UMAP = "umap"
    TSNE = "tsne"
    ALIGNED_UMAP = "aligned-umap"
    PCA = "pca"

Class variables

var PCA
var TSNE
var UMAP
class SidebarPane

Indexes of sidebar panes in the widget.

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class SidebarPane:
    """Indexes of sidebar panes in the widget."""
    CURRENT = 1
    SAVED = 2
    RECENT = 3

Class variables