Lab 4: Svelte (Templating & Control Flow)
In this lab, we will learn:
- What is npm?
- What are JS frameworks and why are they useful?
- What is Svelte and how does it compare to other frameworks?
- First steps with Svelte: templating and control flow
Table of contents
- Prerequisites
- Slides
- What to Expect When You’re Svelting
- Step 1: Setting up
- Step 2: Porting your previous website to Svelte
- Step 3: Publishing our new website to GitHub Pages
- Step 4: Templating projects from a data file
- Step 5: Displaying the first 3 projects on the home page
- Step 6: Creating a layout for UI shared across pages (Optional but recommended)
- Step 6.1: Creating a layout component
- Step 6.2: Adding a navigation bar to the layout
- Step 6.3: Adding a class to the current page link
- Step 6.4: Adding
to external links - Step 6.5: Moving CSS specific to the Navigation bar to the layout component
- Step 6.6: Importing global CSS via the layout component (Optional)
- Step 7: Creating a project list component (Optional)
- To be continued…
- Resources
- You should have completed all the steps in Lab 0, i.e. that you have Node.js and npm installed. You will not need the local server from Lab 0, as SvelteKit will provide its own.
- This lab assumes you have already completed Lab 1, Lab 2, Lab 3 as we will use the same website as a starting point.
Make sure to read the notes on each slide as well!
What to Expect When You’re Svelting
Unlike the previous labs, this lab will not involve dramatic changes to the end-user experience of our website. In terms of user-facing changes, we will only be adding a section of the 3 selected projects to the home page, and displaying a count of projects.
However, we will be completely re-architecting its internals to make it much easier to make changes and evolve it over time.
Step 1: Setting up
Step 1.1: Creating a new blank Svelte/SvelteKit project
In this lab, we will be creating a new repository for our website, and then gradually importing our existing website into it. Decide on a name for your new repository (I called it my-portfolio
Open your website folder with VS Code. Open the integrated terminal, and type cd ..
to go to its parent folder.
Then run the following:
npm create svelte@latest my-portfolio
The npm create
command creates a new project using a template. Note that my-portfolio
is the name of the new folder that will be created, so you may want to tweak it accordingly (just make sure to pick a different name than that of the folder containing your existing website!). Use the keyboard arrow keys and Enter to answer the questions shown. Make sure you tick the “Svelte 5 preview” box.
You should now have a new folder called my-portfolio
that is right next to the folder containing your old website.
Step 1.2: Creating a new repository for our new project
Using GitHub Desktop, select File → Add Local Repository… create a new repository for this folder.
GitHub Desktop will warn you that there is no repository in the folder and ask if you want to create one. You should say yes.
Then, press “Publish repository” and publish it to GitHub.
Step 1.3: Installing dependencies
Then open your new project in VS Code (Repository → Open in Visual Studio Code).
Open the VS Code terminal and run:
npm install && npm install -D svelte@next && npm install -D @sveltejs/adapter-static
This will install all the dependencies for your new Svelte project. Be patient, it can take a while!
What does this command do? Let’s break it down:
separates different terminal commands, so this is actually three separate commands, each of which will be run in sequence:
npm install
reads dependencies frompackage.json
and installs the packages listed there.npm install -D svelte@next
will replace the Svelte version already installed with the latest pre-release version (which we need for modern CSS support).npm install -D @sveltejs/adapter-static
will install the static adapter for SvelteKit, which we will use to deploy our website to GitHub Pages.
Once npm install
finishes, run:
npm run dev -- --open
This will start a local server on port 5173
and open http://localhost:5173/
in your default browser.
You should see something like this:
As a bonus, we don’t need to refresh the page to see changes anymore! Vite (used by SvelteKit under the hood) implements hot reloading, i.e. it will automatically reload the page when we save a file. You could even arrange VS Code and the browser side by side and see your changes in real time!
Step 2: Porting your previous website to Svelte
Now we will start porting the website we creted in Labs 1-3 to Svelte, piece by piece.
Step 2.0: Moving your assets
First, copy your images/
folder as well as style.css
and global.js
to static/
Step 2.1: Skeleton HTML
Open src/app.html
. This contains skeleton HTML for every page on your website. Notice some expressions in %...%
. These are special variables that Svelte will replace with the actual content of your pages at build time. Do not remove them!
Edit the <head>
in src/app.html
to add:
- A default
- Your existing CSS via
<link rel="stylesheet" href="%sveltekit.assets%/style.css" />
- Your existing JS via
<script src="%sveltekit.assets%/global.js" type="module"></script>
Step 2.2: Porting your pages to routes
“Routing” is the process of determining what content to display based on the URL. To do that, SvelteKit uses a routes
directory, with +page.svelte
files for each page. These are actually components, so everything you know about component syntax applies to them. However their special name tells SvelteKit that they are meant to be used as pages.
Open the routes
directory. You will see a single file called +page.svelte
. This is your home page. Replace its contents with the contents of your homepage from your old site, i.e. the contents of the <body>
element in your root index.html
View your website and verify this worked, then do the same for your other pages:
Again, for each of them only copy the HTML between <body>
View your website. It should largely look the same as before, but it is now a SvelteKit app!
Step 2.3: Adding titles
Notice that while our website looks largely the same, the title displayed on the browser tab is the default for every page.
Svelte allows us to provide elements in a <svelte:head>
element that will be used to insert elements into the <head>
of the page at build time.
For example in the Contact page it could look like this:
<title>Contact me</title>
Add titles to your all your pages this way.
Step 2.4: Adjusting navigation bar URLs
Note that our links Just Work™ without us having to handle the home page in any special way. Why is that? This has to do with how Svelte’s server works: it does not let us add /
at the end of URLs (note that if you try to go to e.g. http://localhost:5173/projects/
you will be redirected to http://localhost:5173/projects
) so every relative URL is interpreted as relative to the same folder.
The browser doesn’t know anything about your directory structure, so it doesn’t know that projects/
is a directory. It figures out what is a file and what is a directory entirely from the URL. So when you visit something like
, it will just treat projects
as a file in the same directory — a file with no extension. This means that if we did want to add subpages (e.g. projects/viz/
), we would have to do some work to handle this, but let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.
To ensure the correct link is marked as .current
, you should delete the trailing slash at the end of your relative URLs in global.js
You should also change the URL of the homepage to .
or ./
, as it should not be empty: an empty URL is interpreted as equal to the current page URL.
While you’re at it, you may as well delete the code that checks whether we are in the home page and adjusts URLs.
Why does my current
page class not update when I navigate to another page? Check out Step 6: Creating a layout for UI shared across pages (Optional, but recommended) for an explanation.
Step 3: Publishing our new website to GitHub Pages
Now that we have a website that functions like our old one, it’s a good time to publish it to the Web.
Deploying to GitHub Pages is a little more complicated than in the previous labs, because we now have a build process. As we edit our website, SvelteKit generates a bunch of files from our source code and stores them in a .svelte-kit
folder. It is generally considered a bad practice to commit automatically generated files (“build artifacts”) to a repository, as makes every edit correspond to several other edits we didn’t make, complicating and bloating the commit history.
Instead, we want to ignore these files when committing to our repo (that’s why .svelte-kit
is already in our .gitignore
file) and tell GitHub to generate those files again on its side.
To run custom logic before our site is deployed, GitHub provides a feature called GitHub Actions, which we will use.
Before you proceed, commit and push your changes, then on, enable GitHub Pages on your repo selecting “Github Actions” as the source (Repo settings → Pages → Source: GitHub Actions).
SvelteKit has a detailed guide on how to deploy to GitHub Pages which we will use. Visit that page, and copy the code shown for the following files:
(you will need to create a.github
folder — note the dot — and aworkflows
folder inside it)svelte.config.js
(this will replace the Svelte config file already in your project).
You can also click on the file paths above to download the files, if that’s more convenient for you.
Commit and push these changes to your repo.
If all goes well, your app should be deployed to
. To see our GitHub Action in action (no pun intended 🙃), navigate to the “Actions” tab on your GitHub repo. You’ll be able to see both actions that are currently running, as well as past ones.
Step 4: Templating projects from a data file
In the previous labs, we were using a hardcoded blob of HTML to display our projects. This is not ideal: if we want to change the HTML for our projects, we have to do it N times, where N is the number of projects we have. Now, it is true that if we design our HTML well, we should be able to change its style without changing its structure, but there are many changes we may want to make that would require changing the structure of the HTML. And even the most well written HTML is no help when we want to display the same data in multiple ways. For example, what if we wanted to display our projects on the homepage as well? Or provide a data file for others to use? Or draw a visualization of them? Maintaining our data together with its presentation tends to become painful, fast.
Step 4.1: Creating a JSON file with our project data
We will use the browser console to extract the data from our HTML to JSON so that if you have edited your HTML to contain your actual projects, you don’t lose your data. The following code assumes you have used the same structure for your projects as what was given in the previous labs, where the list of projects was within a <div class="projects>
and each project looked like this:
<h2>Project title</h2>
<img src="path/to/image.png" alt="">
<p>Project description</p>
Load your Projects page and open the dev tools console. Paste the following code into it and hit Enter:
$$(".projects > article").map (a => ({
title: $('h2', a).textContent,
image: $("img", a).getAttribute("src"),
description: $("p", a).textContent,
Inspect the array returned by the code and make sure it looks like what you expect.
If you’re happy with it, right click on it and select “Copy object”.
Create a new file in src/lib/
called projects.json
and paste the JSON there.
Having trouble?
If you’re having trouble with the above steps, you can use thisprojects.json
file as a starting point. Step 4.2: Importing our project data into our Projects page
Create a <script>
element at the top of src/routes/projects/+page.svelte
and import the JSON file:
import projects from '$lib/projects.json';
No need for type="module"
, Svelte processes these <script>
elements in a special way anyway.
Print it out on the page to make sure everything worked by adding <pre>{ JSON.stringify(projects, null, "\t") }</pre>
anywhere outside the <script>
element, e.g. under our heading. If it worked, you should see something like this:
Delete this debug code, and let’s use the data to display our projects in a more …presentable way.
Step 4.3: Templating our project data
First, delete or comment out all your <article>
elements inside the <div class="projects">
element except one.
Then, add an {#each}
block block around it to iterate over the projects.
{#each projects as p}
<h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit.</h2>
<img src="" alt="">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam dolor quos, quod assumenda explicabo odio, nobis ipsa laudantium quas eum veritatis ullam sint porro minima modi molestias doloribus cumque odit.</p>
If you view your website at this point, you should see the same project repeated as many times as there are projects in your JSON file.
Now replace its title with {p.title}
, its image’s src
with {p.image}
, and its description with {p.description}
and view your website.
Note that we don’t need quotes to use an expression as an attribute value in Svelte, i.e. we can do src={p.image}
, we don’t need to do src="{p.image}"
, though the latter can be helpful for combining expressions with static text, e.g. href="/{ p.url }"
. Read Svelte’s full docs on attributes and props to learn more.
It should look the same as before, but now your projects are templated from a JSON file! Try making an edit to your JSON file and see if it reflects on your website.
Step 4.4: Counting projects
A big bonus of this approach is that we can use code to compute things from the data, and have it update automatically when the data changes. Try it: add a count of projects at the top of the page by adding { projects.length }
in the <h1>
Step 5: Displaying the first 3 projects on the home page
We will now display the first 3 projects on the home page. We could do this by copying the project template from the Projects page and pasting it into the home page. However, this means that if we want to change it (e.g. add a date), we’d need to change it in two places.
That’s precisely what components are for!
Components encapsulate an independent piece of UI, and can be reused across your app. Each component lives in a single .svelte
file and consists of three parts:
- Its HTML (placed directly inside the file). As we have seen, this is not plain HTML, but it has superpowers: it can contain expressions and logic.
- Its JavaScript (placed inside a
element) - Its CSS (placed inside a
element). Any CSS you write here is transformed to only apply to that component, even if you use very generic selectors.
The +page.svelte
files you created in Step 2 are also components!
Step 5.1: Creating a <Project>
We will create a <Project>
component that will take the project data as input so that we can use it anywhere we want like this:
<Project data={ project } />
Start by copying the <article>
element and its contents into a Project.svelte
file in src/lib
In larger projects, components are placed in a lib/components
directory to distinguish them from other files in lib
. However, we’ll stick to a shallow directory structure for now to keep things simple.
Then add a <script>
element with:
export let data = {};
This defines what prop name other files use to pass data to our component and what the default value is (in this case an empty object).
We should now change all expressions in our template to use data
instead of p
(e.g. { p.title }
becomes { data.title }
If you want to make sure things work as quickly as possible, you could temporarily alias
via:let p = data;
This aliases
to an internal variablep
so we don’t have to change anything in our template. However, you should eventually edit the expressions in your template, otherwise you’ll have trouble in the following labs.
Step 5.2: Using the <Project>
Now that we’ve created our component, let’s use it!
First, we’ll use it on the Projects page. To make it available to the page, we need to import it in the <script>
element at the top of the file:
import Project from "$lib/Project.svelte";
Then, we can replace the <article>
element and its contents with:
<Project data={p} />
Step 5.3: Using the <Project>
component on the home page
Now that we’ve used the Project
component on the Projects page, we can use it on the home page as well.
Copy the <script>
element and its contents from the Projects page and paste it at the top of the home page, since we’ll need exactly the same imports: the project data and the Project
Then to display the first 3 items we can use an {#each}...{/each}
block very similar to that of the Projects page, just using projects.slice(0, 3)
instead of projects
You should also add a heading of a suitable level (e.g. “Latest projects”) and wrap the three projects in a <div class="projects">
element so that they get the same styling (you may want to add another class too, e.g. <div class="projects highlights">
to style them a little differently there).
Want to display selected projects rather than the first three? You can use a new array like [projects[0], projects[3], projects[7]]
Step 5.4: Customizing heading levels
Notice that we used an <h2>
element for the heading of our projects on the home page, but we are also using <h2>
for the title of each project. This works well for the projects page, but not on the home page, where it completely breaks the information hierarchy. What could we do?
One way to fix this is to add another prop to the Project
component that allows us to specify the heading level. You can call it anything you want (I called it hLevel
) but it’s important to give it a default value so that it only needs to be specified when it differs from the default.
Just like data
, we specify a prop by using export
in the <script>
element, and setting its value to our desired default value:
export let hLevel = 2;
Then, in the template, we can use an {#if}...{:else}
block to conditionally render the heading level:
{#if hLevel === 1}
<h1>{ data.title }</h1>
{:else if hLevel === 2}
<h2>{ data.title }</h2>
<!-- (and so on until 6) -->
But wait! We can do better than that.
There is a special element, <svelte:element>
that is used exactly when we want to specify the type of the element conditionally.
<svelte:element this={"h" + hLevel}>{ data.title }</svelte:element>
Lastly, we need to use the hLevel
prop when we use the Project
component on the home page:
<Project data={p} hLevel=3 />
Note that we also need to adjust our CSS to account for <h3>
elements there.
Step 5.5: Moving Project-specific CSS to the Project component
The idea of component-driven design is that any code that is specific to a component should live in that component. There is code in our global CSS file that is specific to a project listing, so let’s move it there, inside a <style>
Svelte automatically rewrites this CSS to ensure it never applies to anything that is not part of the component, so you can use simple selectors like article
and not have to worry that you’ll be styling more elements than you intend.
Step 6: Creating a layout for UI shared across pages (Optional but recommended)
Note that we are still using our code from Lab 3 to display the navigation bar. Not only would it be easier to manage this code in Svelte, it would also fix a pretty annoying bug: when you navigate to a different page, the navigation bar does not update to reflect the current page. This is because behind the scenes, Svelte is actually using JS to update the content when you navigate to another page, so the code that updates the current page link is not being run.
If for some reason we wanted to keep the code that adds the navigation menu in global.js
, there are ways to fix this bug that don’t involve porting it to Svelte. You can use the navigatesuccess
event in your global.js
to respond to navigation events and re-run the code that marks a certain link as current
There are two ways to do this We could create a Navbar
component and import it and use it in every page. However, that would be quite tedious.
There is actually a concept we have not yet covered called a layout component or “layout” for short. A layout is a component that wraps every page with the same content, so it’s very useful for things like headers, navigation bars, and footers. Svelte distinguishes layouts from other components by their file name, which is +layout.svelte
In fact, a larger website typically has multiple different layouts, many of which build on others. E.g. you could have a main layout for the whole website, and then a layout for blog posts.
But don’t we already have app.html
for that? Note that app.html
is not a component, so it does not provide any of the conveniences of components (expressions, scoping, etc.).
Step 6.1: Creating a layout component
Create a new file called +layout.svelte
in the src/routes
directory. Put YOLO <slot />
as its only content and save.
<slot />
is a special element that is replaced with the contents of a component. In the case of a layout component, the contents are the page contents.
Visit your website. Do you see the text “YOLO” at the top of every page? If so, great, the layout works! Now let’s do something more useful with it.
Step 6.2: Adding a navigation bar to the layout
Now that we’ve made sure we hooked everything up correctly. let’s start porting our navigation menu. In your +layout.svelte
file, add a <script>
element and define a variable with your pages. We’ll use the same array of objects:
let pages = [
{url: "./", title: "Home"},
{url: "./projects", title: "Projects"},
// add the rest of your pages here
Then add a <nav>
element with an {#each}
block inside it to iterate over the pages and create links for each:
{#each pages as p }
<!-- Link here, using {p.url} for the URL and {p.title} for the title -->
Save and preview. You should now see your navigation bar in all its past glory.
Step 6.3: Adding a class to the current page link
While our navigation menu looks the same at first, there is no different styling for the current page (déjà vu?).
Let’s add that!
First, we need to import the $page
Svelte data store, which contains information about the current page. To access it, add this to the top of +layout.svelte
import { page } from '$app/stores';
Note that even though we use $page
in expressions, we import it as page
(without the $
). $
usually indicates reactivity in Svelte, i.e. a value that when it changes, everything that references it updates to reflect the change.
Try it now: Add an expression anywhere in your +layout.svelte
component to print out info about the current page as a JSON object:
{ JSON.stringify($page) }
It should look like this (make sure to remove it after you’re done):
Notice that we can compare $
with the url
of each page to see if it’s the current page. Because our url
starts from ./
and $
starts from /
, we need to add a .
to the beginning of the url
to compare them ("." + $ === p.url
But where do we put that expression? In our template, we can use the class:class-name
syntax to add a class to an element if a condition is true:
<a href={ p.url } class:current={ "." + $ === p.url }>{ p.title }</a>
This will add the class current
to the link iff the condition is true.
We could have simply used the
attribute, but the code would have been a little awkward:<a href={ p.url } class={ "." + $ === p.url ? "current" : "" }>{ p.title }</a>
Step 6.4: Adding target="_blank"
to external links
Another thing that is missing in our new navigation is that external links don’t open in a new tab. We can fix that by adding a target="_blank"
attribute to links that start with http
or https
To remove the attribute if the link is not external, we simply assign null
to it:
target={ p.url.startsWith("http") ? "_blank" : null }
Step 6.5: Moving CSS specific to the Navigation bar to the layout component
Just like with the <Project>
component, let’s move the CSS that only applies to the navigation menu to be within our layout component (by copying it in a <style>
Step 6.6: Importing global CSS via the layout component (Optional)
Another benefit that the layout gives us is that we now import our global CSS via the layout, which means that you benefit from Svelteit’s hot reloading, i.e. the feature that updates your website when you save changes without you having to refresh anything.
To make use of that, we need to move our style.css
from static
to src
. Then, we remove the <link>
element that points to it from src/app.html
, since we’ll be importing it a different way.
Now, in the <script>
element of your routes/+layout.svelte
component, add:
import "../style.css";
View your website and make sure everything works!
Step 7: Creating a project list component (Optional)
Notice that there is some repetition in the way we display our projects on the home page and the Projects page. We can create a <Projects>
component for that and encapsulate the CSS that relates to project lists within the component. Then we can use that component in both the home page and the Projects page.
This component would accept the list of projects as its own data
prop, and would need its own hLevel
prop to pass down to <Project>
To be continued…
In the next lab, we will learn about Svelte’s reactivity and how to use it to create interactive components. Among other things we will…
- Port the color scheme switcher code to Svelte and greatly simplify it in the process
- Load data from an API and display it on our website